Tegucigalpa, October 26, 2020.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), approved a financing for an amount of US$16,248.75 to train and certify in the fundamentals of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) a group of officials of the Government of the Republic of Honduras. This initiative is expected to strengthen the knowledge and methodologies relevant to developing the capacities ...
Tegucigalpa November 10th, 2020.- In solidarity and support to the Governments of Honduras and Nicaragua in the implementation of humanitarian actions resulting from the flooding and overflowing of rivers by the passage of Hurricane Eta, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), has granted each country a non-reimbursable financial cooperation for a total amount of U.S. $ ...
Merida, Yucatan September 21th. 2022. - In support of humanitarian efforts to preserve the safety of families affected by a series of mudslides caused by heavy rains in Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved an emergency grant of US$500,000 to the Republic of Honduras. This donation will make it possible to attend to the most urgent needs of the ...
Tegucigalpa, October 14, 2022. - In order to contribute to the immediate and timely attention to the needs of Honduran families affected by the torrential rains caused by tropical storm Julia, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved emergency and natural disaster assistance to the Republic of Honduras in the amount of US$500,000. "Our region has been hit by this ...
Tegucigalpa, November 23 th, 2023 - Contributing to the efforts of the Republic of Honduras to meet the most urgent needs of the population affected by the constant rains caused by tropical storm Pilar in recent weeks, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$1 million in Emergency and Natural Disaster Assistance. The non-reimbursable cooperation will support the ...
Tegucigalpa, December 24, 2024. – Within the framework of the Sustainable Economic Development Program (PRODES), the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved an initiative, with non-reimbursable resources of up to US$725,000, to support the efforts of the Republic of Honduras in the rehabilitation and recovery of the public health infrastructure affected by the devastating ...