Tegucigalpa, February 09, 2023 - As a demonstration of its support for strengthening the equity of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), during the month of February, the Republic Argentina made an advance payment of all of its capital quotas related to the additional subscription of share capital and the capital subscription made by said country within the framework of the ...
Tegucigalpa, Honduras January 4, 2021- As a sign of their commitment to CABEI and to the countries of the Central American region, the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Korea have made payments of the first capital installment linked to the bank’s VIII Capital Increase, which came into force last July 2020, in advance for an amount of US$10.0 million and US$5.6 million respectively; The ...
Tegucigalpa, January 13, 2022.- The member countries of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) completed the initial payments of the capital installments corresponding to the VIII increase, including advance payments from the Kingdom of Spain, and the Republics of China (Taiwan) and Korea. The total amount of US$78.2 million, which allows the Bank to move toward its equity ...
Tegucigalpa, April 6th, 2021.- The Kingdom of Spain made the second capital installment payment to the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) in the amount of US$4 million, as a sign of its financial commitment to the region in times of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The disbursement corresponds to the second installment of the (5) annual and consecutive capital ...
Tegucigalpa, January 14, 2022 – As a sign of its support for the equity strengthening of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the Republic of Nicaragua has made the payment of its second capital installment related to the capital subscription made by said country within the framework of the VIII General Capital Increase of the Bank. On January 14, 2022, the Republic of ...