Tegucigalpa, August 31, 2023 - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) will organize a series of activities in September to commemorate International Day for Universal Access to Information. The objective of these initiatives is to raise awareness among the Bank's staff and external stakeholders about the importance of access to information in fostering transparency. The ...
Tegucigalpa, August 1st, 2023.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration presented the Annual Report on the implementation of the Access to Information Policy (PAI) for the year 2022. The publication highlights the solid developments achieved in this area and provides citizens with the opportunity to access key data, statistics and information that confirm CABEI's serious commitment to ...
Tegucigalpa, August 21, 2020. – The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) makes available to the public the text of the new regulation that defines the guidelines and establishes the mechanisms to maximize access to the information held by the Bank as part of the actions to implement its Access to information Policy. In 2019, during the LIX Ordinary Meeting of the Board of ...
Tegucigalpa September 22, 2022. As part of Transparency and Access to Information Month, CABEI and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) are organizing a webinar aimed at positioning transparency and access to information as a key element in addressing climate change. The event will be open to the public with prior registration here. The webinar will include ...
Tegucigalpa, March 9th, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) informed today during the virtual event "International Financial Institutions and their Information Access Policies: Comparative Experience and Best Practices" of the implementation of its Information Access Policy. Enabling the implementation of this policy ratifies the institution's firm commitment to ...
Tegucigalpa, December 18, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has undergone important changes in terms of transparency and access to information. With the arrival of Dr. Dante Mossi as Executive President, the Bank began a profound process in the creation and implementation of its Information Access Policy (IAP). CABEI currently has a Policy that ensures greater ...
Tegucigalpa, December 13 th , 2022.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration renewed its commitment to openness and innovation by awarding the winners of the IdeatonPAI, an initiative aimed at strengthening the implementation of the Information Access Policy (PAI). The contest invited citizens to submit ideas and solutions to strengthen the Bank's transparency and accountability. Over ...
Tegucigalpa, August 10, 2022 .- As part of CABEI's Transparency and Access to Information Month, a virtual event will be held to inform civil society about the Bank's procedures, competencies, responsibilities and the way it works. The event will also provide a space for dialogue to strengthen the application of the Information Access Policy. "CABEI Open House" is aimed at the general public, ...
Tegucigalpa, November 12th, 2020.- In the midst of the pandemic and now with the passage of Hurricane Eta through the Central American region, it is a priority to build spaces of reflection on the challenges towards more transparent institutions, which is why the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), presented the webinar: "Access to Information in Latin America - Cultural ...
Tegucigalpa, September 28, 2022. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) issued its first annual report on the implementation of the Access to Information Policy (PAI) 2021, consolidating its commitment to transparency and accountability on how it is applying said regulation. Since the entry into force of the PAI on April 1, 2021, the public can access the agendas of the ...