Santo Domingo, March 4th, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Dominican Republic today signed an agreement granting non-reimbursable financial cooperation of up to US$500,000, the equivalent of 30 million Dominican pesos, to support the authorities' efforts to assist the population affected by Tropical Storm Laura, which hit the country in August 2020. The ...
Santo Domingo, March 26th, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic (CABEI) signed an agreement granting non-reimbursable financial cooperation of up to US$500,000 to the Dominican government to continue contributing to curbing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The signing of the agreement was led by the Vice President of the Dominican Republic, Raquel Peña. The agreement signed between ...
Mérida, Yucantán, September 21st, 2022. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$500,000 in emergency and natural disaster aid to the Dominican Republic to help mitigate the negative effects caused by Hurricane Fiona, a natural phenomenon that caused losses and damage to the population and their livelihoods. "We express our solidarity with the families affected by the ...
Tegucigalpa, August 30, 2021. – In solidarity and support for the Republic of Haiti following the devastating earthquake that shook the southwest of the country on August 14, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved non-reimbursable financial cooperation in the form of US$1 million in emergency aid for its non-founding partner, the Dominican Republic, to support its ...
Santo Domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2022.- Para contrarrestar los efectos negativos generados por el huracán Fiona y como muestra de solidaridad con las personas afectadas en República Dominicana, el Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE) entregó en calidad de donación materiales e insumos para apoyar la reparación de la infraestructura que sufrió daños en los municipios y distritos ...
Santo Domingo, September 16th, 2021.- Today, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Dominican Republic signed a Non-Refundable Technical Cooperation Agreement for the donation of 816,480 Korean KF-94 masks to be used for the protection of personnel in the country's health sector, which will be administered by the Essential Medicines Program and Central Logistics Support ...