Tegucigalpa, May 25, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) today approved a $24.3 million extension to finance the "Bio-CLIMA Project: Integrated Climate Action to Reduce Deforestation and Strengthen Resilience in the Bosawás and Río San Juan Biosphere Reserves" on Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast. This project consists of CABEI financing of $44.3 million and $37.9 million ...
Tegucigalpa, August 31, 2021.- On Tuesday, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved technical cooperation in the amount of US$1.2 million to the Republic of Nicaragua for the preparation of social and environmental technical studies and the final design of works for the supply of continuous and quality drinking water to 12 rural communities in Leon, 4 in Morrito, and 12 ...
London, February 17th, 2022 – . As part of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) mission to the United Kingdom, this Thursday the Executive President of the multilateral, Dr. Dante Mossi, held a meeting with the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization (ICO), José Sette, and the Ambassadors of Honduras and Nicaragua in that country, Iván Romero, and Guisell ...
Managua, July 3oth, 2020.- Boosting growth in the region has been the main mission of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), promoting initiatives that support economic development. A clear example in Nicaragua is the "Proyecto de Rehabilitación y Modernización de las Plantas Hidroeléctricas Centroamérica y Santa Bárbara"(Rehabilitation and Modernization Project of the Central ...
Managua, January 30th, 2023.- Due to the scarcity of water and high temperatures in Nicaragua's Dry Corridor, improving productivity and achieving good yields in the different agricultural activities requires economic inputs for investment, technology and a lot of perseverance from the families. This has been achieved in the last 5 years with the execution of the Sustainable Development Project ...
Managua, December 06, 2021-. Karen Laguna is one of the beneficiaries of the Sustainable Development of Rural Families' Livelihoods Project (NICAVIDA), co-financed by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) in conjunction with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), which was recently awarded the IFAD Gender Award 2021 . She is the owner of a small business ...
Managua, November 30, 2021.- The generation of reliable, renewable and clean energy from water is assured for 25 years in Nicaragua following the successful completion of the "Rehabilitation and Modernization Project for the Centroamérica and Santa Bárbara Hydroelectric Plants" - now Carlos Fonseca - financed by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI). The works included the ...
Managua, July 13th, 2022.- A total of 27,600 rural families are currently benefiting thanks to the steady progress in the implementation of the Sustainable Development of Rural Families' Livelihoods in Nicaragua's Dry Corridor Project (NICAVIDA), which is co-financed by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (FID). To ...
Tegucigalpa, August 28 st , 2023. - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Republic of Nicaragua are implementing a Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent Plan with the participation of 23 indigenous, Afro-descendant and ethnic territories on the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast linked to the Bio-CLIMA Project : Integrated Climate Action to Reduce Deforestation and ...
Managua, 19 th septiembre de 2023.— The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), committed to environmental sustainability and aware of the impact of its operations and administrative activities in Nicaragua, gathered a total of 30 volunteers, including employees and their families, to reforest an area of 1.22 hectares in the Natura Reserve, located at kilometer 54.5 on the highway ...