Managua, October 14, 2020.- As part of the progress of the Financial Sector Support Facility for the Financing of MIPYME in Nicaragua, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), projected at the end of October to continue positively impacting the Micro, Small and Medium Nicaraguan Enterprises affected by COVID-19 with a total of US$20.0 million in disbursements made to ...
Managua, 9 March 9th, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) continues to support the financial sustainability of Nicaraguan MIPYMEs affected by COVID-19. Since the implementation of the Financial Sector Support Facility for financing MIPYMEs to date, the Bank has placed a total of US$48.5 million in intermediary financial institutions. In 2020, intermediary financial ...
Tegucigalpa, May 25, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved Banco Avanz S.A.'s first US$8.0 million Global Credit Line (GCL), adding to the US$168.8 million channeled through Nicaraguan banks during the first quarter of 2021. This approval will benefit 200 individuals, 37.5% of whom are women, as well as ten new legal entities that generate an average of 20 jobs ...
Managua, August 6, 2021.- Since the implementation of the Financial Sector Support Facility for MSME Financing in 2020 to the first half of this year, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has granted around US$60 million in financing to Nicaraguan micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), protecting a total of 25,000 jobs. Of the funds channeled by CABEI through ...
Managua, October 25, 2021.- A total of 28,557 micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) jobs have been preserved and recovered during the last year and a half thanks to the support of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and its Financial Sector Support Facility for MSME Financing , which has channeled US$66.8 million through its intermediary financial institutions. In ...
Managua, November 18, 2021.- As part of its efforts to support micro, medium, and small enterprises (MSMEs) in Nicaragua's production and livestock sectors, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved a US$100,000 line of credit to the Caja Rural Regional R.L. Savings and Loan Cooperative (Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Caja Rural Regional R.L., or COOCARUR). (COOCARUR). ...
Managua, May 19th, 2022.- Continuing with its commitment to promote Nicaragua's economic development in alliance with the country's private sector, this Thursday the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and Banco de Finanzas, Sociedad Anónima (BDF) , renewed a US$32.0 million Global Credit Line. The funds will be used to meet the financing needs of small and medium-size ...
Managua, June 10, 2022.- "Zeas Apícolas" is a small Nicaraguan business that has been growing stronger for the past five years by diversifying its portfolio with six new honey products, improving its sales, production and administrative processes, actions that have been possible thanks to the financing received through the Development of Business Ideas and Acceleration of Central American MSMEs ...
Managua, May 16th, 2023.- To continue promoting Nicaragua's economic development and strengthening its business fabric, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) renewed a US$32.0 million Global Credit Line with Banco de Finanzas, Sociedad Anónima (BDF) . The funds will be used to meet the financing needs of micro, small and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs), as well as to create ...
Managua, August 29th, 2023.- In the last three years, since the COVID-19 pandemic, a total of 3,596 Nicaraguan micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) were able to sustainably boost and strengthen their businesses, as well as invest in the improvement of their productive units through access to soft resources from the Financial Sector Support Facility for MSME Financing, supported by the ...