Managua, December 20, 2021 - A total of 10,454 housing solutions for Nicaraguan families in vulnerable conditions have been built to date with the implementation of 95% of the Social Interest Housing Construction and Improvement Program financed by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI). Amilcar Ramos, one of the beneficiaries said that “having a house is a dream come true; we ...
Guatemala City, June 21st, 2022.- On Monday, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) held a workshop on "Social Housing and Redevelopment Efforts Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation Measures Considering Natural Disasters" as part of the capacity building actions carried out within the framework of the Korea-CABEI Single Donor Trust Fund (KTF). The objective of the workshop ...
San Salvador, August 26, 2021.- A total of 2,592 low-income families will have the opportunity to have access to decent housing with the launch of the Housing and Dignified Life Program (PROVIDA) carried out this Thursday by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Government of El Salvador through the Housing Ministry. This is a direct financing of US$50.0 million to the ...