Tegucigalpa, March 5, 2024.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) joined the inauguration of the Honduras Chapter of the World Compliance Association (WCA), under the title "Compliance Culture as a Country Vision". At the inauguration ceremony, CABEI's Executive President, Gisela Sánchez, highlighted the relevance of this new chapter in promoting international practices of ...
Tegucigalpa, March 14, 2024 – The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is beginning the implementation of three new operations in the Republic of Honduras, whose financing agreements were recently approved in the plenary session of the National Congress and published in the Official Gazette. The agreements are aimed at strengthening road infrastructure, the hospital network, ...
Tegucigalpa, March 15 th ., 2024 – With the objective of publicizing the progress of the Sustainable Recovery Program for Lake Yojoa in Honduras, recently the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) presented the results of the comprehensive diagnostic of the current situation of this important wetland. This diagnostic will allow defining strategies for prioritizing mitigation ...
Tegucigalpa, April 18, 2024 – The Secretariat of Infrastructure and Transportation (SIT) of the Republic of Honduras launched the first bidding process for five highway tranches within the framework of the " Honduras Resilient Roads Program (PCR-HN) " financed by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), aimed at strengthening productive and tourism capacity through efficient and ...
Tegucigalpa, May 7th, 2024 – The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$96.3 million in financing for the new "Tranche B-1 Bypass El Progreso" highway under the Honduras Resilient Roads Program (PCR-HN). The new highway, approximately 16 kilometers long, has the objective of continuing to promote economic and social growth in Honduras and strengthening its productive ...
Tegucigalpa May 08, 2024.- After the devastating fire that razed the only public hospital in Roatán on April 19, which has left nearly 55,000 inhabitants in a vulnerable situation and without timely access to essential health services, the Government of the Republic of Honduras declared a state of emergency in the public health system in the Department of Bay Islands. Given this unfortunate ...
Tegucigalpa, July 24, 2024– More than 167,100 Hondurans from the municipalities of the Lake Yojoa Basin and its area of influence will benefit through the execution of the “Sustainable Recovery Program for Lake Yojoa”, whose objective is to promote the Comprehensive and sustainable restoration of the ecosystem of said area through a total investment of US$ 100.0 million. Financing for the ...