San José, December 19th, 2023. - Committed to the environmental sustainability of the region as established by its 2020-2024 Institutional Strategy , the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) made a donation to the Las Pumas Rescue Center in Costa Rica to support the basic maintenance of 26 species of wildlife in the Northern Zone, specifically in Upala. This center cares for more ...
San José, December 14th , 2023. - In order to promote the circular and sustainable economy in the region, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through the Green MSMEs II Initiative, which has the financial support of the European Union (EU) and the German Government through KfW, signed a non-reimbursable technical cooperation agreement with the Costa Rican company Plataforma ...
Tegucigalpa, December 15th, 2023 - For yet another year, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration demonstrates its commitment to the environment and the sustainability of its internal operation processes. As part of its Environmental Management System (EMS), CABEI reduces the impact of its carbon footprint by offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions produced by its daily operations ...
San José, November 18th, 2023 - Reaffirming its role as the bridge of opportunities between the region and the world, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) brought together in Europe Costa Rican public transportation authorities with representatives of the European Union (EU), the Spanish Railway Association - Mafex, the Business Agency for Economic Transformation and ...
San José, November 1 st , 2023.- Promoting innovation in the construction industry and the adoption of sustainable practices in the sector, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the European Union (EU) and the Government of Germany, through KfW, sponsored, through the Green MSMEs II Initiative, the Sustainable Construction Summit 2023, organized by the Costa Rican Chamber of ...
San José, October 23rd, 2023.- In order to design an operating strategy for a regional electronic waste processing center at the regional level that will reduce the environmental footprint and generate long-term economic and social benefits, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through the Green MSMEs II Initiative, with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and ...
San Salvador, September 2023 - Around 152,000 students and 6,650 adults will be able to apply better environmental practices, protect their health and prevent respiratory diseases when preparing food in 190 schools in El Salvador , thanks to a US$1.0 million non-reimbursable financial cooperation grant from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) under the " Supply of Biogas ...
San José, Costa Rica, September 20, 2023. - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the European Union (EU) and the Government of Germany, through KfW, sponsored, through the tripartite Green MSMEs II Initiative, the V Ibero-American Energy Congress held in Costa Rica by the Ibero-American Energy Association (ASIDE), together with the firm Core Regulatorio, with the objective ...
Managua, 19 th septiembre de 2023.— The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), committed to environmental sustainability and aware of the impact of its operations and administrative activities in Nicaragua, gathered a total of 30 volunteers, including employees and their families, to reforest an area of 1.22 hectares in the Natura Reserve, located at kilometer 54.5 on the highway ...
Tegucigalpa, August 28 st , 2023. - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Republic of Nicaragua are implementing a Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent Plan with the participation of 23 indigenous, Afro-descendant and ethnic territories on the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast linked to the Bio-CLIMA Project : Integrated Climate Action to Reduce Deforestation and ...