San Salvador, April 21, 2023 - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through its Social Support Foundation (FAS), signed a non-reimbursable financial cooperation agreement with the Republic of El Salvador to carry out the Bicentennial Scholarship Program, which aims to enhance social welfare and promote access to education for students beginning from the eighth grade of Basic ...
Tegucigalpa, October 29, 2021.- Central America in recent decades has not only expanded its borders to include adjacent isthmus territories, such as Panama and Belize, but even a non-contiguous Caribbean island state, the Dominican Republic, in the regional integration process. Despite these efforts, there is no regional identity among its inhabitants, but rather most associate it with the sum or ...
Panama City, November 02, 2021. – Specialized consultants will provide advice and support in the process of dialogue and construction of the "Bicentennial Pact: Closing Gaps" in Panama thanks to non-reimbursable technical cooperation in the amount of US$36,750 approved by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI). This initiative, led by the Ministry of the Presidency within the ...
Guatemala City, September 23, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) made a donation to the Education and Culture Paiz Foundation for the development of the XLI Marimba Festival as part of the celebration of the month of independence, strengthening Guatemalan identity and culture, and providing an opportunity for exposure to renowned artists whose talent has contributed ...