More than 28,000 jobs have been preserved in Nicaragua through CABEI's Support Facility


498 Nicaraguan companies received concessional financing.

Managua, October 25, 2021.- A total of 28,557 micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) jobs have been preserved and recovered during the last year and a half thanks to the support of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and itsFinancial Sector Support Facility for MSME Financing, which has channeled US$66.8 million through its intermediary financial institutions.

In this regard, CABEI Executive President Dr. Dante Mossi stated, "as a development bank, we continue to support the financial sustainability of Nicaraguan MSMEs affected by COVID-19, and thanks to our efforts, we have been able to support a total of 498 companies in order to contribute to their adaptation, solvency and transformation.

The beneficiary companies nationwide, most of which are engaged in activities related to trade, production, food chain supply, service provision, construction, tourism, among others, have been able to access working capital, make payments on obligations, and consolidate and readjust debts.

Since its implementation, the Support Facility has had a positive impact on the economic reactivation of MSMEs in all countries of the region.

