Honduran financial institutions are trained to create products to finance green housing

El Vicepresidente Ejecutivo del BCIE, Abogado Alejandro Rodríguez; la Directora del proyecto Ecobanking, Gracia María Barahona y el Comisionado Presidencial de CONVIVIENDA, Sergio Amaya; inauguraron el “Taller Presencial sobre Financiación de Viviendas Verdes” .
El Vicepresidente Ejecutivo del BCIE, Abogado Alejandro Rodríguez; la Directora del proyecto Ecobanking, Gracia María Barahona y el Comisionado Presidencial de CONVIVIENDA, Sergio Amaya; inauguraron el “Taller Presencial sobre Financiación de Viviend

CABEI supports the search for financial solutions that reduce the planet's pollution.

Tegucigalpa, September 12, 2018.- With the purpose of promoting financial products for green housing in the Honduran financial market, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), with the support of the Ecobanking Project of CLACDS INCAE Business School, held the " Live Workshop on Green Housing Financing" in the capital city.
The objective of the workshop is to contribute to increasing knowledge about the advantages of sustainable construction, the need and convenience of promoting a more active participation of financial institutions and a more fluid interaction between them and other actors in the sustainable construction sector in Honduras.

At the opening of the event, the Executive Vice President of CABEI, Alejandro Rodríguez, stated that "for CABEI, the search for environmental sustainability and the reduction of vulnerability to natural disasters associated with climate change are fundamental as more and more Central American cities present an increase in housing projects to meet the housing demand of their inhabitants."

During the workshop, engineer Sergio Amaya, Presidential Commissioner of CONVIVIENDA, presented the housing situation in the country, the activities promoted by the sector's governing body, and the opportunities to integrate ecotechnologies in the development of new housing projects.

For Gracia María Barahona, Director of the Ecobanking project, this workshop is of particular importance, as it brings together important financial institutions in the country that are already considering serving the construction sector in a completely different way. She assures that the possible benefits of serving this market are multiple and many financial institutions already benefit from them: positioning, reputation, portfolio improvement, among others.

Thirty executives representing the financial system, real estate developers, as well as authorities related to the promotion of the housing sector participated in the activity. They will learn the best practices of sustainable finance applied to construction and housing, to accelerate the development of concrete actions for the promotion and adoption of such practices in the country.

Sustainability in regard to housing in the region is of paramount importance, since it must bet on the intelligent use of natural resources and the preservation of the environment in favor of future generations. In this sense, developers of housing projects are more convinced of the need to adopt systems that optimize the use of water, energy efficiency in water heating, as well as in the lighting of homes and the implementation of solutions that generate energy with renewable sources, among other solutions that allow housing projects that are sustainable and know how to take advantage of resources in a more efficient manner.
