Central American businesswomen receive funds from CABEI, EU and Germany's KfW to implement projects with a sustainable scope


A total of 50 women entrepreneurs participated in a training and mentoring process with INCAE Business School.

Costa Rica, November 22, 2024.-As part of the capacity building program for sustainable projects in the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector, promoted by the Green MSMEs II Initiative of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the Government of Germany, through KfW, and the European Union, in partnership with INCAE Business School, 50 Central American businesswomen were trained to develop sustainable projects focused on small-scale renewable energy, cleaner production and energy efficiency.

Of these, 25 (5 from Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua; 4 from Honduras and Costa Rica; and 2 from Panama) were selected to participate in a one-week on-site workshop in Costa Rica where they competed in a contest to present their initiatives before a panel of judges who selected 6 winning projects that received a US$1,000 award each.

The winning companies were: Nutre light of Costa Rica, with its project on progressive change towards more environmentally friendly packaging. Grupo Imperion of El Salvador, with its initiative to improve and transform the processing of textile waste. Finca Flores de Miriam of Guatemala, with its hydroelectric power generation project. Dex Chemical of Honduras, for its idea to install a water treatment plant to reuse water resources in its production process. Manos Nicas of Nicaragua, which seeks environmental certification for handicraft products made by some of the country's local producers. And finally, Acento Incentives of Panama, an event organization company that proposed a project to measure the impact associated with the activities of suppliers through a carbon calculator.

María Fernanda Rivera, owner of the company Finca Flores de Miriam, S.A. and winner from Guatemala presented her project on hydroelectric power generation, which will use the water load of a river adjacent to the farm area to provide energy, both to a neighboring community and to the company itself. She mentioned that: “The impact of the Green MSME program came to give me the tools to design a project, apply for funds and partnerships to implement it. My commitment to sustainability is to continue finding solutions hand in hand with the communities and with the knowledge acquired in the program that has given a lot of support to have a better sustainable project outcome.”

One of the main achievements of the program has been the strengthening of women's leadership in the field of sustainability. As mentioned by the winner from Nicaragua, Ingrid Sosa: “The program has been an incredible stimulus, as we realize the skills we have. My commitment is to continue implementing resources and tools for reuse and recycling into more environmentally friendly products. Likewise, to strengthen my value chain through training and empowerment processes on environmental issues”.

The Green MSMEs II Initiative supports this type of initiative, which is fundamental for promoting gender equality in the business world, while at the same time representing an investment in the region's green future, generating sustainable jobs and fostering the creation of environmentally friendly companies in Central America. It has also joined this capacity-building project for MSMEs with green projects, as it seeks to protect the climate and the environment by creating and offering appropriate, efficient, and sustainable products for the sector with investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and cleaner production.
