Costa Rica receives more than 800,000 masks donated by CABEI and Korea for the COVID-19 health personnel protection

San José, October 28, 2021.- In order to confront the spread of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 in Costa Rica and to protect Ministry of Health personnel, this Thursday the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Republic of Korea, through the CABEI-Korea Sole Donor Trust Fund (KTF), formalized the donation of 816,480 Korean KF-94 masks to the National Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention Commission (CNE).
CABEI Executive President Dr. Dante Mossi, CABEI Director for Korea Mr. Dongjoon Kim, Costa Rica's Minister of Health Dr. Daniel Salas and the President of the National Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention Commission (CNE) Mr. Alexander Solís participated in a virtual event to sign the non-reimbursable technical cooperation, equivalent to US$330,000, and expressed their gratitude for the support provided by the donation of these supplies.
"The effort, commitment and dedication demonstrated by all healthcare personnel during the last two years of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 is worthy of admiration, and we are pleased to be able to make a contribution to protect their lives and those of their loved ones," said Mossi during the opening of the activity.
Costa Rica's Minister of Health, Daniel Salas, said, "We are grateful for the support of CABEI and the Korean government, which contributes to health care and the protection of our health personnel. Working together and joining efforts are crucial to face this emergency that affects us as humanity".
The donation is part of a US$3.0 million grant from the KTF for the benefit of nine CABEI member countries to mitigate the spread of the pandemic. In the case of Costa Rica, the CNE will be in charge of its distribution in the coming weeks and will issue a detailed report to CABEI.