CABEI: principal source of resources to Honduras among cooperating agencies


So far this year, CABEI has approved US$295.5 million to Honduras, thereby contributing to its development.

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is Honduras's principal collaborator, having approved resources amounting to US$295,500.000.0 to the country in the first half of 2012.

According to a statistical report by the Honduran Ministry of Finance (SEFIN) released by the Government yesterday, CABEI is the cooperating agency that has provided the most funds to the government, amounting to US$97.1 million.

According to the SEFIN report, CABEI is the largest supporter to Honduran development, followed, by the IADB, with US$64.1 million, the World Bank, with US$30 million, and the Republic of China (Taiwan), with US$25 million. The Honduran Minister of Finance, Héctor Guillén, explained that in 2011 foreign cooperation disbursements amounted to US$489.7 million.

The international organization announced the 2012 figures today in Tegucigalpa. The figures demonstrated that between January and June of this year CABEI disbursed resources to Honduras amounting to US$161.6 million, targeted mainly at financing in the areas of human development and social infrastructure. It also disbursed a significant percentage of the funds in the areas of productive infrastructure and energy generation.

In addition, so far in 2012 CABEI has allocated resources to Honduras in approved loans totaling nearly US$296 million, with specific funding for areas, such as energy, human development and social infrastructure, productive infrastructure, agriculture and rural development.

With regard to the distribution of resources that CABEI has made between the public and private sectors in Honduras, in the first semester of 2012 most of the funds have been mainly destined to the public sector. Public sector lending amounted to US$102,280.915.72 while CABEI allocated resources amounting to US$59,290.591.47 to the Honduran private sector.
