CABEI delivers donations in Nicaragua

As part of its Institutional Responsibility Plan (IRP), CABEI’s Director for Nicaragua, Dr. Silvio E. Conrado, delivered important donations.
Managua, Nicaragua, September 3rd 2013.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), as part of its Institutional Social Responsibility Plan, delivered two important donations in Nicaragua.
A US$10 thousand donation for the "La Purisima" High Archdiocesan Seminar, destined to change the ceiling and waterproofing one of the buildings in the Seminar.
The project's goal is to improve the infrastructure conditions of the Seminar, as well as to provide more facilities through the renovation.
"La Purisima" Seminar was founded in 1993. To date, 60 young people study at its Philosophy and Theology faculties.
The second donation delivered by CABEI in Nicaragua was a US$5 thousand support for the Nicaraguan Committee for Supporting Children with Cancer (CONANCA).
Funds will be used to buy chemotherapy and specialized examinations for children receiving treatment at the Hematology-Oncology wing of the Manuel de Jesus Rivera Hospital.