CABEI begins studies for construction of new hospital in Choluteca to benefit 165,000 Hondurans

In five months, the necessary studies for the design and construction of this regional hospital will be obtained, thus meeting one of the priorities established by the Government of Honduras in the area of health.
Tegucigalpa, February 21st, 2023 - With the objective of improving the coverage, access and quality of health care for the population of the surrounding municipalities and the department of Choluteca, Honduras, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) announced the start of the "Studies for the design, construction, equipment and start-up of the regional hospital in Choluteca".
The studies will provide the land feasibility analysis, the functional medical program, equipment and clinical furniture specifications, as well as the estimated cost of the project and the technical requirements that will allow the implementation of the project through the design-build or turnkey modality.
"For CABEI, health is a priority and one of the fundamental pillars for human development, which is why we are very pleased to announce the initiation of these studies that will be the basis for the design of the infrastructure and equipment of the regional hospital, which will strengthen coverage through a specialized and quality health service for the population of southern Honduras," said CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.
The future hospital, which will benefit more than 165,000 people, will contribute to the expansion of outpatient specialized medical care services, as well as the hospital infrastructure with approximately 200 beds, availability of medical devices in accordance with the portfolio of services, and the implementation of automated systems and technological innovation in the new hospital, which will modernize the hospital system and improve health outcomes in the department.
The studies are expected to be carried out over a period of five months in due coordination with the Choluteca Health Region of the Ministry of Health (SESAL). In addition to this study, and in line with the priorities of the Government of the Republic of Honduras, CABEI will be carrying out studies of at least one more hospital in the country.