CABEI and Belize Development Bank join efforts to promote regional integration and development

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Through the signing of a memorandum of understanding, projects that improve people's quality of life will be jointly identified.

Tegucigalpa, May 5th, 2022.-  In order to promote the integration and economic growth of the Republic of Belize and the Central American region, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) will jointly sign a memorandum of understanding as a first step in working together for development.

The purpose of this action is to identify development projects and facilitate their preparation, as well as to join efforts in their implementation through innovative structuring and financing schemes that allow the execution of projects, always focusing on the most vulnerable population.

"We are very pleased to formalize this agreement through which both institutions will establish guidelines for common action to watch over the well-being of our region through opportunities that support poverty reduction, as well as ensuring adequate economic and social returns," said CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

This alliance will be based on the commitment and cooperation of both institutions; strengthening and exchanging knowledge that will later materialize in social and economic returns for the parties. "Our commitment is to contribute to the growth and productivity of Belize and the region," reiterated Mossi.
