CABEI and Banco Industrial renew US$50 million Credit Line aimed at MSMEs


The operation will expand the portfolio of products and services to support the Guatemalan entrepreneurial sector.

Guatemala City, July 30, 2020.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) signed a Global Credit Line renewal agreement with Banco Industrial for an amount of up to US$50 million to meet the financing needs of Guatemala's entrepreneurial and productive sectors.


The credit line renewal will make available the Bank's different financial intermediation programs to the Guatemalan business and MSME sectors, while supporting with working capital and productive investment financing needs linked to the import and export of goods, entrepreneurship and innovation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, cleaner production and climate change adaptation.


Banco Industrial has been a CABEI intermediary financial institution for more than 45 years, offering differentiated products targeting the productive sectors, the MSME sector and the general public.


This is yet another of the Bank's actions aimed at supporting MSMEs and sectors that are currently suffering the greatest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including such sectors as tourism, transportation and hospitality. CABEI maintains its support towards these sectors and seeks to address the pertinent productivity and innovation needs by promoting MSME growth and generating employment.
