CABEI and OHCHR join forces to strengthen human rights in Central America

Panama City, January 19, 2024 - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) launched a strategic alliance today in the field of human rights. This marks a significant milestone in the search for joint solutions to strengthen the rights of people in the region.
This alliance focuses on addressing the key challenges affecting the Central American region in the area of human rights. Given OHCHR's specialization as a United Nations body in this field, CABEI seeks to exchange experiences and foster spaces for dialogue and the search for solutions through training and specialized technical assistance.
CABEI Executive President Gisela Sánchez stated, "This alliance is a clear demonstration of our commitment to human rights and the positive transformation we have undertaken at CABEI. It also reflects, with concrete actions, our interest in strengthening the principles of human rights and the prosperity of the Central American region.”
This alliance demonstrates CABEI's dedication to promoting and safeguarding the fundamental principles that form the basis of the dignity and rights of all people. Furthermore, it manifests its firm commitment not only to these essential values, but also to actively contribute to the strengthening of inclusive and equitable societies and the promotion of sustainable development with the protection of human rights as a fundamental concern.
CABEI's Executive President, Ms. Gisela Sánchez, the Head of the Integrity and Compliance Office, Rennie Valladares Alcerro, both representing CABEI, and the Regional Representative for Central America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Alberto Bruni, participated in this meeting.