CABEI: Drinking Water and Sanitation Systems in Nicaragua Advance by 96%


Through these resources CABEI supports the human development and social infrastructure of this Central American country.

Managua, September 21, 2020.- With financing of more than US$100 million, the "Project to Improve and Expand Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in 19 Cities" in Nicaragua is advancing by 96%.

The initiative promoted by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), will benefit 348,384 people who lacked drinking water service and about 384,652 people who will be able to improve sanitary sewage services in urban and rural areas.

The installation of these services will reduce the diseases caused by the lack of the vital liquid, will improve the hygiene conditions of its inhabitants, will strengthen the businesses, will favor the medical posts and educational centers. Considering that one of its main scopes is the increase in the coverage of drinkable water from 81.07% to 94.08%, as well as a coverage of sanitary sewage services of 74.5%, equivalent to 7,900 new home connections.

In addition, with the support of CABEI the project will provide the communities with the necessary infrastructure by ensuring the construction of 9 wastewater treatment plants with their pumping stations, drive lines and distribution network, as well as rehabilitate 3 wastewater treatment plants and build pumping stations.

In this regard, the Executive President of CABEI, Dr. Dante Mossi, explained that in the Strategic Axis of Human Development and Social Infrastructure, the project of great social impact registers a progress of 96%, which contributes as a Bank to guarantee a healthy life and promotes the well-being of Nicaraguan families.

In the same way and thanks to the resources provided by the multilateral, works such as this have been completed in 9 cities: Improvement and expansion of the drinking water system (wells, conduction lines, storage tanks and distribution network) in Chinandega, Masaya, Chichigalpa (Chinandega), Jalapa (Nueva Segovia) and Santo Tomás (Chontales); drinking water treatment plant in Jalapa; Collection system for the improvement and expansion of the sewage system in Masaya City; construction of the sewage system in Cardenas (Rivas), La Trinidad (Esteli), Malpaisillo (Leon) and La Primavera Annexed Neighborhood (Managua).

The project is currently advancing with the preparation of pre-investment studies that will serve for future water and sanitation projects and in the operational management component, which proposes to strengthen operationally and institutionally the Nicaraguan Water and Sewerage Company (ENACAL).

