CABEI contributes US$2.5 million for initial capitalization of the Climate Change Investment Fund


The Climate Change Investment Project Readiness Fund (FCC) was launched in May 2021 with US$5.0 million available for beneficiary countries.

Tegucigalpa, August 31, 2021. – To provide a timely response to the region's needs for technical assistance for project preparation or natural disaster management and climate change adaptation, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) will contribute US$2.5 million to its innovative Climate Change Investment Project Preparation Fund (FCC).

With this initial capitalization of CABEI for the FCC, resources are made available to the Central American countries, Colombia and the Dominican Republic that will enable them to generate sustainable initiatives and strengthen the mobilization of resources through innovative mechanisms and international sources of climate finance.

"We are the region's Green Bank, and as such we are called upon to take the lead in addressing the issues that afflict our members, one of the most important of which is undoubtedly the region's vulnerability to the effects of climate change, which is why with this initiative we will make resources available to the countries, both from CABEI and from cooperating friends, to implement adaptation and mitigation actions," explained CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

The FCC was announced in May of this year with an availability of US$5.0 million for public, private and institutional investment initiatives in the beneficiary countries that wish to develop and execute adaptation and mitigation projects in the sectors of electric mobility, water and sanitation, energy, and the acquisition of hybrid or electric vehicles, among others. Interested parties should apply to CABEI's representative offices in each country.
