Aid to kidney ill children and patients with cancer CABEI provides financial support for health of Guatemalans

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) gave financial support for the amount of Q 38,667.80 quetzals to the Fundación del Niño Enfermo Renal (FUNDANIER) and also financed the Amigos Contra el Cáncer (FUNDECAN), with the sum of Q 50,000 quetzals, to collaborate with aid support mechanisms to benefit the health of Guatemalans.
The release of funds was given by the CABEI Director for Guatemala, Oscar Humberto Pineda Robles, who stressed the Bank's commitment to the improvement of the quality of life of Central Americans and the its contributions in the field of social responsibility.
Medical Director of FUNDANIER Dr. Randall Lou Meda said that each month a kidney transplant occurs and only 1 out of 10 patients have the opportunity to be favored with the operation, attending an average of 300 monthly consultations.
According to FUNDANIER, the number of patients with chronic renal failure has been increasing worldwide at an alarming rate and it is one of the most expensive treatments, since each hemodialysis costs an average of $85 per patient. A transplant operation has a cost of up to USD $ 20,000.00, for which this entity lends its full support to cover costs so high, especially to poor unprivileged children.
Moreover, FUNDECAN received the financial backing of CABEI to continue to support the work performed nobly for the benefit of cancer patients. This is a non-profit social service, which supports the fundraising for the purchase of medicines, and treatments of radio and chemotherapy, patients on waiting lists, as said by its President Lic. Patricia García, and its Vice President Neutze Licda.Clara Echeverria.