Open House, 3rd edition, 2024
The third edition of “CABEI Open House” will be held on September 5, 2024 from 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. (Honduras). This is a virtual event designed to inform any external stakeholder about the procedures, competencies, responsibilities, and the way in which the Bank works. The activity is part of the commemoration of the CABEI Transparency and Access to Information Month.
Who can participate?
The activity is aimed at the general public, public officials, the private sector, civil society organizations, and entities specialized in access to information, among others who want to learn about the work of CABEI.
What topics will be addressed?
During the event, various topics will be addressed:
- Introduction to the CABEI’s work (history, organizational chart, responsibilities of Governors and Directors, among others).
- Operations cycle.
- Accountability mechanisms.
In addition, a space for dialogue and exchange will be provided to receive input to strengthen the application of the Access to Information Policy (AIP).
How can you participate?
Open House requires pre-registration.