CABEI is part of the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), which is an initiative comprised of 23 National and Sub-Regional Development Banks that share backgrounds and points of view about our role in the world. The members have agreed on key principles that characterize our actions at the individual and collective level. A key action is the generation of a joint methodology to measure the level of investment in climate change of each bank in order to produce Green Finance Mapping.

CABEI´s commitment to adopt international standards requires the publication of structured annual reports based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), los Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other binding ones, validated by recognized external entities.

In addition, the materiality analysis will continue in accordance with the AA1000 Accountability standard, based on the criteria of recognition, accountability and a transparent attitude regarding the impacts of policies, decisions, actions, products or the associated performance that the institution has made to its stakeholders.

In its commitment to an efficient and low emission operation, the Bank maintains the commitment of certification to the ISO 14001-2015 standard, in line with the Environmental Management System. In addition, the design of new buildings for CABEI's operations will be carried out under LEED criteria.